Tuesday, March 13, 2012


My Hubby's family has property in Mississippi that they go and visit/hunt/camp at often. For as long as Matt and I have been together, I have never gotten to go out and see it. Until now. We finally had some free time when we were visiting in the summer, to go out and walk around . We brought the dogs and thought it would be good for them to run around a bit out there too. 

The old house
The road diverged. 
Pups on the leash
Off their leashes and trusting that they won't run away. I was so nervous that Mac might run off chasing something and that we would loose him. Luckily he stayed right behind my father in law and did great!
The side of the old house. 

Inside the floors are falling apart, but just look at how beautiful this floor covering is. I believe it is some kind of laminate. I wonder if they still make this? 

Mac covered in stickers from the tall grass. He so happy and having the time of his life!

The three of us with the pups before heading back to attend a crawfish boil!

I love visiting our old family homes. There is so much history and character in the old houses. We are working on cleaning out my grandparents house in Illinois still. They have been gone for almost 10 years now. We are slowly moving stuff out and around as the old house is falling apart in some areas. It is mostly old books my grandfather had in his library, or libraries I should say. I will have to find those pictures and post them for you. It is quite the undertaking. 

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